Clubhouse & Chickee Hut

The Clubhouse, Chickee Hut, and Recreational Facilities are common elements of the Homeowners’ Association for the use and enjoyment of the residents. Activities may be planned to use these facilities at no charge if the entire community is invited to partake in those activities. The Clubhouse and/or Chickee Hut may be rented for private affairs for a fee. Rental of the Clubhouse and/or Chickee Hut reserves the structure(s) for exclusive use by the renter. During private affairs, the recreational facilities other than the reserved structure(s) will remain accessible to all residents as well as attendees of the private affair.

In all cases, posted rules must be obeyed.

General Guidelines

  1. The Secretary of the Activities Committee will schedule Community Activities and will notify the Management Company. The Manager will keep the Clubhouse Calendar up to date. An updated calendar of Community Activities and reserved parties will be posted on the Community Activity Bulletin Board at the Clubhouse. Residents may also schedule Community Activities.
  2. Residents can schedule Private Parties directly with the Manager.
  3. Community Activities and Private Parties must sign and agree to the appropriate Agreement for Use of the Clubhouse and/or Chickee Hut which may be obtained from the Management Company and sign the Checklist for Use of the Clubhouse and/or Chickee Hut. Said agreements will be kept on file in the office. and monies collected will be handled by the management company.
  4. Keys to the Clubhouse will only be issued to those Groups/Clubs that have an agreement on file and who meet on a regular and continuing basis. They must have a designated individual who will be responsible for and sign for the key. Keys to individuals hosting private parties will be issued on an as-needed basis and returned no later than the next day after the function.
  5. Any committee or individual hosting an event must be responsible for non-residents access to the Waterways Community via directory or monitoring the gate only.
  6. Any committee using the Clubhouse for any event is for the benefit of Waterways residents. From time to time a resident may be allowed to come to the event with a guest but said event must be made up of at least 75% of residents.
  7. The person reserving the Clubhouse and/or Chickee Hut must be present for the entire duration of the event.