Many factors determine the desirability of a neighborhood. Of course, the most important is neighbors helping neighbors. One way neighbors can help a neighborhood is by maintaining their property in a way that is compatible with the community.
The reason many owners bought in Waterways was because the community had a certain look about it and the deed restrictions had provisions that those standards would be maintained, namely, the Architectural Review Committee (ARC). Therefore, any changes to a lot or the exterior of a house must be approved by the ARC.. These include things such as:
- Changing the landscaping including removing trees.
- * Painting the house even though the color may be the same as the present color.
- Changing the driveway
- ** Adding or replacing a fence
- Adding a room
- Replacing the roof
- Removing trees
- Adding a pool
This is not a complete list. Basically, if you are changing something on the outside of the house, it must go through the ARC.
Please review the ARC Guidelines/Requirements to understand what is required for the type of outdoor project you are undertaking.
Use the Architectural Approval Request form and attach additional documentation such as site survey, blueprints, sketches, plant lists, or whatever else will help to fully explain what you are changing. If a building permit is required, attach a copy of that building permit. Submit the whole packet to the Property Assistant or through the Alliant Portal. The completed packet will be forward it to the ARC. The ARC meets monthly to review requests. (Meeting Dates are posted on the Calendar.) Please do not start work until you receive approval from the ARC, as it could be costly if the work had to be undone.
ARC approval or denial will be sent to the homeowner via the delivery preference selected in the owner’s portal.
* If you are painting your house, even if it is the same color, you MUST submit an ARC Form and follow the ARC Guidelines. This incorporates all the relevant portions of the Architectural Approval Request form plus additional information and requirements for painting. The guidelines explains the process and the Waterways Paint Notebook explains the Approval Criteria and contains both acceptable colors as well as colors that won’t be accepted such as Neon Pink. The Property Assitant will help guide you through the process.
** The HOA Governing Documents as well as the County has restrictions on the type of fence that can be erected, as well as where that fence can go on the lot. Use the ARC request form and follow the ARC Guidelines when you are planning to install or change a fence on your property.
ARC Request forms and Guidelines can be found in the Alliant Portal or picked up at the Clubhouse.