Big Corkscrew Island Regional Park Buffer

The Big Corkscrew Island Regional Park will share several property lines with Waterways of Naples HOA Construction of this park has been divided into two phases. The county is set to break ground on Phase I, located on the north side of the Bolt Canal, just east of the fairgrounds, on Monday, December 16, 2019, at 10:00 am. Phase II of the park is located on the south side of the Bolt canal and will be developed at a later date.

The landscaping plans for both these phases, specifying the buffering and screening for Waterways,  have been obtained.  These landscaping plans contain all the layers needed for construction and are too large to upload to this website.  Therefore, a picture of each page has been uploaded.  Parts of these plans that have a direct impact on homes in Waterways have been enlarged for clarity.

Also uploaded are:

  1. Excerpts from the Land Development Code (LDC) explaining the purpose of the code and its possible impact on Waterways
  2. A comparison of the location of the road crossing the canal to the location of the road in the Conceptual Plan approved by the Board of County Commissioners.
 Phase I – North of Canal (The entire document is stored at:
 Page 5 
Page 1 – Cover Sheet
 Page 6 
Page 2 – Overall Site 
      Calculation Table and LDC Notes
Page 7  
Page 3 – Main Park
      Lake Canal     Buffer Waiver
 Page 8 
Irrigation Notes
 Page 4 
 Page 9 
Phase II – Canal & South of Canal
Page 1 – Cover Sheet
Page 5 – Plant Schedule Details & Notes
     Installation      SDP Notes
    Bad Plants     Plant Schedule
Page 2 – Overall Site
      Calculation Table and LDC Notes
 Page 6 – Irrigation Plan
     Irrigation Notes
Page 3 – Site Landscape Plan
     Pg3 North      Pg3 South     Abbreviations
Page 7 – Irrigation Details
     Irrigation Notes
Page 4 – Building Landscape Plans

These plans can also be found for your review in the clubhouse in their original sizes.